Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch

In the books I looked at to learn how to do this stitch, three lines were drawn,  The first stitch was placed in the center line,  I chose to draw one water soluble graphite pencil line that was quite wide. This reference line has three parts:  the center, right edge and left edge.  This is less marking and the marking is covered by the stitch in case something does not quite wash out.
I knotted the thread and the first stitch is placed in the center line.  Next, I made a quarter inch stitch to the right of the center line placed and centered on the spot where the first stitch pierced the fabric. The thread wrap always goes over the needle and back to the center.  Pull needle through loop.
You now have a loop and a stitch that makes an X.  The first stitch it is easy to see where the X is located.  To locate it in future stitches just scoot the top thread of the loop over until you can spot the X and insert the needle into the center line between the X.
The needle is now piercing the center line and comes up on the other side of the center line. Wrap the thread over the needle on the left and under toward the center. Pull the needle through the loop and follow the top of the loop with the needle to find the X for the next stitch.
 Repeat swinging the needle right and left over the center line,

When you wish to end the stitch, put the needle through the last loop, make a knot and hide thread tails underneath as desired.

This stitch is great for straight lines, outlining and gentle curves.  I had to practice a bit to figure this stitch out.  My biggest problem was trying to find where to insert the needle after the first stitch (as before mentioned just scoot the thread of the top left over until you see the center line and by swinging the stitches more dramatically left and right it was less of a problem); and since I have problems with direction, I had trouble with figuring out how to wrap the thread over the needle (Stitch to right,,,throw thread over to the right and under to center,,,stitch to left throw thread over the needle to the left and under back to center line).

I decided to start this blog because I plan to start doing more wool applique with embroidery.  I hope this helps me remember how to do the stitches so I do not have to struggle with the relearn each time.  Happy stitching.